Female / 5 years old / 40 lbs
Demi is a lively, eager to engage, super communicator and a whole lot of FUN!! She is crazy smart and learns all kinds of tricks and entertaining behaviors .. she is the premium student and an example of what a happily trained dog can do! Demi named DEMITASSE because she looks like a looks "half cup". Half big dog on half length limbs! She has adorable feet that turn out in a rather unnatural looking way, a long tail, a shiny, sleek, golden, brown brindle coat and light bright eyes. Shes a beautiful cutie with off the charts bubbliness! DEMI smiles LARGE and loves LIFE!
A DNA swab on her told us she is 11% Labrador retriever 11.4% Rottweiller 13.5% "super mutt" and surprise, surprise
19.2% Great Dane and 44.9 % American Pit Bull Terrier!! HMMMMmmmmmm ...Who'd a thunk?!
Demi has some insecurities that manifest in certain situations. With this she know and trusts she is loving, lively and confident. Demi shares her toys, gives her unique Demi happy dance greeting & once the proper greeting ritual has been played out fully which includes performing a little show and tell of her current favorite toys, she hops to the elevated platform where she gets leashed.
Demi has her own room and in it are several baskets of toys, Many sleeping options, a cozy plush crate, a plethora of fluffy blankets scattered in various locations. You might come to visit and not see her for a while until a lump of fluffy blankets starts to move! YUP! This sweet lady is a burrower!!! She has so many ways of warming your heart and making you smile or giggle!!
Dems shares her stuff with trusted friends but guards and protects it all from others. She is in DOG language a clear and usually subtle communicator. For those who pay mind and are her subtle body language is unmistakeable ! Those not fluent or in the habit of listening/observing/feeling, unaware of her nuance might unknowingly override her requests. This is where Demi's in securities cause her to feel threatened. It is when she will likely amp up her communication style until the point is made!
DEMI LOVES ENGAGEMENT AND LEARNING! She is very smart, very observant and has amazing reflexes. She is a MASTER at trick training and knows quite a few as well as obedience skills. Demi is especially good at FitPaws and the treadmill. She has perfect balance, is incredibly coordinated and has a keen awareness of her body. Demi is super food motivated... She is quite the performer and loves praise!!!!
Demi also can't get enough of the woods .. she can and will climb a tree in reach without hesitation! Leaps over logs easy peasy, crosses through streams, follows after a moving wheel barrow in the horse barn .. She is absolutely incredible and so much fun!
Demi has her own room and in it are several baskets of toys, Many sleeping options, a cozy plush crate, a plethora of fluffy blankets scattered in various locations. You might come to visit and not see her for a while until a lump of fluffy blankets starts to move! YUP! This sweet lady is a burrower!!! She has so many ways of warming your heart and making you smile or giggle!!
Dems shares her stuff with trusted friends but guards and protects it all from others. She is in DOG language a clear and usually subtle communicator. For those who pay mind and are her subtle body language is unmistakeable ! Those not fluent or in the habit of listening/observing/feeling, unaware of her nuance might unknowingly override her requests. This is where Demi's in securities cause her to feel threatened. It is when she will likely amp up her communication style until the point is made!
DEMI LOVES ENGAGEMENT AND LEARNING! She is very smart, very observant and has amazing reflexes. She is a MASTER at trick training and knows quite a few as well as obedience skills. Demi is especially good at FitPaws and the treadmill. She has perfect balance, is incredibly coordinated and has a keen awareness of her body. Demi is super food motivated... She is quite the performer and loves praise!!!!
Demi also can't get enough of the woods .. she can and will climb a tree in reach without hesitation! Leaps over logs easy peasy, crosses through streams, follows after a moving wheel barrow in the horse barn .. She is absolutely incredible and so much fun!
Demi has brains, humor, affection, a go button that never fades until the day ends.. she is a super star of a dog! We all adore her and enjoy every moment with her. She teaches, entertains and LOVES in return. Theres never a dull day with Dem!
For her true pals Demi is always up for anything (especially if it involves a large jolly ball on a rope)!!! She swings that thing around with such vigor and joy its a sight to behold! She doesn't mind body slamming herself with it either which is kind of a head scratcher but she is really into it so as long as she doesn't go too bonkers, she gets to enjoy the full experience!! She also drags it across the yard full speed ahead .. its miraculous that she doesn't tumble down in the process but that Demi!! She is a wahoo greeter.. enjoys long hikes, excels at all manner brain teaser games.. she's been the demo dog for "show off" videos featuring some entertaining tricks and ideal "how to train your dog" instructions ! She is particular about dog pals and has many times surprised us with her choices and her amazing play style!! Demi is a great office dog! She loves all her options in the office so long as we prevent strangers from entering its all good! We in her love bubble relish in her Demi style snuggly affection, magnificent love gaze and incredible smile!
A few of many sweet moments with Demi