eager beaver, active and super fun chi mix
Male / 4 Years Old / 19 lbs
Male / 4 Years Old / 19 lbs
FUN FUN FUN!!! Navy is one zippy and ready-to-go little dog who loves adventure and is up for anything. Whether it be exploring the farm grounds, a hike in the woods or playing ball play in the yards... Navy is down and ready for it all. That's why we think he may have some Jack Russell in him. He's an athletic type with an eye for the ball!
We listen to Navy's cues and allow him to trust and get used to us before we so anything invasive like pet him or take his leash on/off. He is very much ready to bond with someone. Eager to please and learns to love through play. The best way into Navy's heart are treats (of course!!) and playtime He sprints about the yard with long and short chihuahua strides! Navy really likes when the environment is relaxed.
Navy can get along well with another dog if it works for his more tenacious play style! An easy going female would work best. In one of his videos you can see him playing in a large group of dogs. These are trusted friends that have built a relationship with Navy. Although it looks like a "dog park" scene, Navy would not do well in an environment with strange dogs and people approaching him.
Navy can get along well with another dog if it works for his more tenacious play style! An easy going female would work best. In one of his videos you can see him playing in a large group of dogs. These are trusted friends that have built a relationship with Navy. Although it looks like a "dog park" scene, Navy would not do well in an environment with strange dogs and people approaching him.
We are still learning more about sweetie pie with a few "naughty" habits... 90% of the time he is a jolly playful and affectionate little guy.. we have seen several sensitive areas that cause him to act defensively. Leashing & unleashing in his domain is one of his triggers.. we are sleuthing out the issue and will continue to update on his .. and our progress! He is inherently affectionate and sweet natured. Somewhere along his path he learned to defend himself from actions that threatened him in some way. We will hold onto Navy Bean and do our best to sort out this quirk.. Stay tuned!
Navy enjoying some playtime in the yards with
some of his buddies!
some of his buddies!
Navy has excellent response time to recall, sit and down!