Ollie Einstein
super smart, nutty cartoon dog born to entertain
Male / 10 Years Old / 13 lbs
Male / 10 Years Old / 13 lbs
We are opening Ollie's Bio with a HEADS UP because while he's incredibly cute and many people have found him to be irresistible, Ollie requires an adopter who has ample knowledge of what resource guarding is & proper experience in managing it.
This means being able to interpret what provokes the behavior, discern degree of intention and possess knowledge of how to help soften reactivity and appropriately guide the dog to "change gears"! If this seems like a lot to you you're probably not a great match for this clever cutie! If you are reading this and smiling because you know what all this means, you might be Ollies person!!
Ollie will crack you up with with all of his adorable antics and hilarious pranks, body contortions, expressions .. unique ideas & ridiculous sleeping positions! Seems like Ollies ability to entertain never turns off.. even watching him at rest causes us to smile.. or chuckle!
Here are some of Ollie's Favorite Activities 🤗
♥️ 1) Foraging for food.. he loves using his nose to search out tasty rewards.. he also uses his paws like hands!! ( you can see this in some of the photos in his slideshow below) He enjoys searching for food in nature.. searching in a bin full of balls.. searching in all over his room.. This is how we feed Ollie!! He LOVES getting his meals this way ..its all such fun!!
♥️ 2) Playing ball.. Jamie has taught him to return with the ball... actually give up his ball and even nose at you much like a Border Collie does!! ( Yah he's def as smart as a border collie!) Mind you this is a learned behavior and as such will need to be reinforced with "reminder games".. he takes off like a rocket after a tossed ball.. he will spring up 4 feet into the air to catch it! His focus is razor sharp! Every so often he might elect to keep the ball rather than carry on with the game! Thats Ollie!!!
♥️ 3) Digging.. once again using that nose to follow scent.. even if it means digging into a mole's tunnel... he will dig as long as you let him.. its hilarious to see him furiously achieving his goal.. sometimes there's just his wee little tail sticking out of the ground!!
♥️ 4) Oh yah... and then theres the cuddling!!! Ollie very much enjoys being loved on.. his love gaze is intoxicating!!
Perhaps most of all he likes to share his joys with at least one of his human friends.. even if you're just there to watch and enjoy him.. he delights in praise and laughter!!
♥️5) New adventures! Ollie is not one to be satisfied with the same walk around the same loop.. seeing the same sights! You gotta mix it up a bit for Ollie!! If you don't .. he might resist.. Ollie will just stop and plant his crazy web feet firm to the ground!! He doesn't do BORING!!! If you are playful and creative make a game, add interesting and engaging antics- and he's all in!!
He's at times too smart for his own good!! Ollie will find ways to entertain himself and keep his mighty brain in full use!! Being super bright and alert can make a dog somewhat complicated.. This is true of our little Ollie.
🎾Ollie is sheer delight for all of us on LOVE DOGS staff because each of us has the necessary skills to negotiate his "quirky wiring" without much thought or effort. Its the very qualities that we find so entertaining, engaging and endearing that can at times be confusing, perhaps even alarming to anyone who hasn't had experience with such a brilliant, quirky and yes at times you could say, rude little dog.. 🎾 So even though he is crazy cute and mostly non stop funniness he's a dog that has to be understood.. so we think ...
🎾 1) Ollie is probably best as a one and only dog in his household. He can be antisocial!
🎾 2) Ollie Is probably best in an adult home because he does have ..eccentricities!
This means being able to interpret what provokes the behavior, discern degree of intention and possess knowledge of how to help soften reactivity and appropriately guide the dog to "change gears"! If this seems like a lot to you you're probably not a great match for this clever cutie! If you are reading this and smiling because you know what all this means, you might be Ollies person!!
Ollie will crack you up with with all of his adorable antics and hilarious pranks, body contortions, expressions .. unique ideas & ridiculous sleeping positions! Seems like Ollies ability to entertain never turns off.. even watching him at rest causes us to smile.. or chuckle!
Here are some of Ollie's Favorite Activities 🤗
♥️ 1) Foraging for food.. he loves using his nose to search out tasty rewards.. he also uses his paws like hands!! ( you can see this in some of the photos in his slideshow below) He enjoys searching for food in nature.. searching in a bin full of balls.. searching in all over his room.. This is how we feed Ollie!! He LOVES getting his meals this way ..its all such fun!!
♥️ 2) Playing ball.. Jamie has taught him to return with the ball... actually give up his ball and even nose at you much like a Border Collie does!! ( Yah he's def as smart as a border collie!) Mind you this is a learned behavior and as such will need to be reinforced with "reminder games".. he takes off like a rocket after a tossed ball.. he will spring up 4 feet into the air to catch it! His focus is razor sharp! Every so often he might elect to keep the ball rather than carry on with the game! Thats Ollie!!!
♥️ 3) Digging.. once again using that nose to follow scent.. even if it means digging into a mole's tunnel... he will dig as long as you let him.. its hilarious to see him furiously achieving his goal.. sometimes there's just his wee little tail sticking out of the ground!!
♥️ 4) Oh yah... and then theres the cuddling!!! Ollie very much enjoys being loved on.. his love gaze is intoxicating!!
Perhaps most of all he likes to share his joys with at least one of his human friends.. even if you're just there to watch and enjoy him.. he delights in praise and laughter!!
♥️5) New adventures! Ollie is not one to be satisfied with the same walk around the same loop.. seeing the same sights! You gotta mix it up a bit for Ollie!! If you don't .. he might resist.. Ollie will just stop and plant his crazy web feet firm to the ground!! He doesn't do BORING!!! If you are playful and creative make a game, add interesting and engaging antics- and he's all in!!
He's at times too smart for his own good!! Ollie will find ways to entertain himself and keep his mighty brain in full use!! Being super bright and alert can make a dog somewhat complicated.. This is true of our little Ollie.
🎾Ollie is sheer delight for all of us on LOVE DOGS staff because each of us has the necessary skills to negotiate his "quirky wiring" without much thought or effort. Its the very qualities that we find so entertaining, engaging and endearing that can at times be confusing, perhaps even alarming to anyone who hasn't had experience with such a brilliant, quirky and yes at times you could say, rude little dog.. 🎾 So even though he is crazy cute and mostly non stop funniness he's a dog that has to be understood.. so we think ...
🎾 1) Ollie is probably best as a one and only dog in his household. He can be antisocial!
🎾 2) Ollie Is probably best in an adult home because he does have ..eccentricities!