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scruffy mix | 30 lbs | 2 years old | male
Browney came to us scared out of his wits! He was fearful of pretty much everything! As you can see in the slideshow below he is figuring out that there are great friends to be had.. human and canine.. games to play.. and lots of tender loving care to soak up!! Browney is a wonderful sweet dog who will need someone to love and care for him .. someone who will enjoy the rewarding journey of helping a young dog find confidence.. every day Brown blooms just a little more.. He now greets us all with unbridled enthusiasm.. kisses and affection.. and best of all a waggy tail!!
We are very impressed with and surprised by how quickly Brown trusts and bonds once he stops freaking out.. We are helping him to respond to new people by using his natural doggie skills.. relax ..assess the person by feeling energy.. using scent and reading body language instead of right away assuming stranger = danger!!
Meanwhile he is having a great time with his office/house dogs pack.. he plays and plays with all his friends especially Harriet.. He LOVES going for pack walks and is getting braver by the day!! Brown used to hide when people came into the office.. usually in the cubby hole seen below in a few slideshow photos!! Now he only does that with new people.. but he also warms up much faster too! Brown is a much beloved scruffy, adorable sweet dog.. We are all enjoying our time with him.. he makes us all so proud!! His thank yous are the best!!! PS when he first came to us Browns tail seemed to be glued tight between his legs.. but now in his body language.. see below in slide show.. his tail is most often where we like to see it.. and even goes up when hes extra happy and excited!! YAY BROWN!
Browney has graduated to the big dogs kennel.. he lives happily in the barn with a pack of buddies! He still has moments of uh-oh freak outs but way less and he is much easier to reassure! Hes a GREAT and eccentric dog!! We all love him to bits!
Browney had a professional grooming and was SUCH a good boy!! Sandi our fabulous serenading dog groomer and friend fell in love with Browney.. as we all have.. He is incredibly endearing!
Click here to fill out an Adoption Application
Browney came to us scared out of his wits! He was fearful of pretty much everything! As you can see in the slideshow below he is figuring out that there are great friends to be had.. human and canine.. games to play.. and lots of tender loving care to soak up!! Browney is a wonderful sweet dog who will need someone to love and care for him .. someone who will enjoy the rewarding journey of helping a young dog find confidence.. every day Brown blooms just a little more.. He now greets us all with unbridled enthusiasm.. kisses and affection.. and best of all a waggy tail!!
We are very impressed with and surprised by how quickly Brown trusts and bonds once he stops freaking out.. We are helping him to respond to new people by using his natural doggie skills.. relax ..assess the person by feeling energy.. using scent and reading body language instead of right away assuming stranger = danger!!
Meanwhile he is having a great time with his office/house dogs pack.. he plays and plays with all his friends especially Harriet.. He LOVES going for pack walks and is getting braver by the day!! Brown used to hide when people came into the office.. usually in the cubby hole seen below in a few slideshow photos!! Now he only does that with new people.. but he also warms up much faster too! Brown is a much beloved scruffy, adorable sweet dog.. We are all enjoying our time with him.. he makes us all so proud!! His thank yous are the best!!! PS when he first came to us Browns tail seemed to be glued tight between his legs.. but now in his body language.. see below in slide show.. his tail is most often where we like to see it.. and even goes up when hes extra happy and excited!! YAY BROWN!
Browney has graduated to the big dogs kennel.. he lives happily in the barn with a pack of buddies! He still has moments of uh-oh freak outs but way less and he is much easier to reassure! Hes a GREAT and eccentric dog!! We all love him to bits!
Browney had a professional grooming and was SUCH a good boy!! Sandi our fabulous serenading dog groomer and friend fell in love with Browney.. as we all have.. He is incredibly endearing!
Click here to fill out an Adoption Application