sweet and cuddly heart dog
Female / 10 years old / 46 lbs
Female / 10 years old / 46 lbs
Sundare is a very loving and affectionate people dog. Her cuddling skills and love gazes are heart melting and she's a dog you come to crave having near!!! Theres something soothing and lovely about her so when she's elsewhere you feel her absence!! Sundae is your everyday because you want to be near her everyday! She is a soother.. feels all your feelings and always wants to be near anytime you want her!!! Miss Sunny is a warm squishy love bug.. she gives heart soothing cuddles and has a special way of emanating love signals that is uniquely hers!! Theres a very special place for this mushy little love bug.. its at the center of some persons life.. she's a true companion, here to love, connect and entertain! Sundae is not a "family dog" or a "dog park dog" she's a human healer type doggie! That is her super power!!!
When Sundae first arrived to us she was fairly social with other dogs.. she was in play groups and pack walks with seemingly very little reluctance. She was adopted to a great home with another dog and it all seemed ideal until it wasn't! Sundae for reasons we might never know decided she wanted no part of her dog sibling!! We all decided it best for Sundae to be removed from the home and returned to us. Since that time we have been mindful and observant of Sundaes behavior and cues around other dogs. She is an enigma in that her behavior with people is so soft, easy cuddly and calm.. She does not care for the company of other dogs... unless she has reliable boundaries.. fences and gates! She lives next to our Rockford with no problem and can enjoy the play yards with friendly dogs in neighboring yards. She still enjoys pack walks as long as she gets to hang in the back and not have to worry about other dogs moving into her space. Sundae’s unique coloring is caused from a cosmetic skin condition called vitiligo. Vitiligo only affects the pigment of the skin and hair.. causing it to progressively turn white over time. Check out her photos and pigment of her nose... She will have ever morphing markings. Sundae so enjoys the company of humans, their conversations, affection and treat pouches!!. You’ll see in the photos below just how cuddly she is. When you join Sundae on the couch, she’ll to gently rest her head on your lap and look up at you with her loving, beautiful eyes.. she is a precious, soft mush of a girl! |
When any of us encounters Sundae out and about on her walks her wiggly, smiley self summons you near to share some love! Sundae is a HEART doggie!!